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shopware/frontends - cms-base

shopware/frontends - cms-base

Nuxt layer that provides an implementation of all CMS components in Shopware based on utility-classes using atomic css syntax (UnoCss / Tailwind).

It is useful for projects that want to use the CMS components but design their own layout.



Install npm package:

# ✨ Auto-detect
npx nypm install -D @shopware/cms-base-layer

# npm
npm install -D @shopware/cms-base-layer

# yarn
yarn add -D @shopware/cms-base-layer

# pnpm
pnpm install -D @shopware/cms-base-layer

# bun
bun install -D @shopware/cms-base-layer

Then, register the Nuxt layer in nuxt.config.ts file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  extends: ["@shopware/composables/nuxt-layer", "@shopware/cms-base-layer"],
  shopware: {
    endpoint: "",
  modules: ["@shopware/nuxt-module"],
   * Commented because of the StackBlitz error
   * Issue:
  typescript: {
    // typeCheck: true,
    strict: true,
  telemetry: false,

Basic usage

Since all CMS components are registered in your Nuxt application, you can now start using them in your template (no imports needed):

/* Vue component */

// response object can be a Product|Category|Landing Page response from Shopware 6 store-api containing a layout (cmsPage object) built using  Shopping Experiences
    <CmsPage v-if="response.cmsPage" :content="response.cmsPage"/>

You can use default styling by installing/importing Tailwind CSS stylesheet in your project.

See a short guide how to use cms-base package in your project based on Nuxt v3.

📘 Available components

The list of available blocks and elements is here.

🔄 Overwriting components

The procedure is:

  • find a component in component's list, using a Vue devtools or browsing the github repository
  • take its name
  • create a file with the same name and place it into ~/components dir in your nuxt project (or wherever according your nuxt config)

✅ Thanks to this, nuxt will take the component registered in your app instead of the one registered by this nuxt layer.

Internal components

Internal components are not a part of public API. Once overwritten you need to track the changes on your own.

There is also a possibility to override the internal components, shared between public blocks and elements, the ones starting with Sw prefix, like SwSlider.vue or SwProductCard.vue.

An example: some components use SwSharedPrice.vue to show prices with corresponding currency for products in many places like product card, product details page and so on. In order to change the way how the price is displayed consistently - create a one component with a name SwSharedPrice.vue and that's it. The new component will be used everywhere where is "imported" (autoimported actually).

Some components use RouterLink component internally, available in Vue Router. In order to parse CMS components correctly and avoid missing component warning, it's highly recommended to have Vue Router installed or Nuxt router enabled in your application.

TypeScript support

All components are fully typed with TypeScript.

No additional packages needed to be installed.


Full changelog for stable version is available here

Latest changes: 1.5.0

Minor Changes

  • #1727 94872b7 Thanks @mdanilowicz! - Added CmsBlockHtml to render html blocks. Added CmsElementHtml to render html element.